Contact Information
Address: Havant Spiritualist Church
Brockhampton Lane
President: Mrs Velma Baker 01329 841152
Secretary: Mrs Jan Hind 07483 226125
Treasurer Mr Alan Baker 07770856729
Mediums Secretary: Mrs Velma Baker 01329 841152
If you want to write to the Church please address all correspondence to the Secretary, Mrs Jan Hind
Members of the committee are always available to deal with any problems or issues you may have. You are free to ring us at any time.
The church will welcome everyone, to help you as an individual find your pathway in life. So many who come in to our church find that Spiritualism gives them a new and better focus on their lives, it enriches both the physical as well as the emotional.
If we cannot answer your questions we will always seek an answer. But the important thing is we will never leave you with any issue or question unanswered.
Our prime aim is to provide support, guidance, and to demonstrate a better way of life, a better way of connecting with people and ourselves.
Other committee members are:
Vice Chair: Tina Smith
Circle Leader: Alan Baker
Healing Leader: Jamie Dunsmore
Membership Secretary: Alan Baker
General Members: Kim Norris, Alesia Smith, Mark Danks,
We are on Facebook as a lively group; Havant spiritualist church, and our blog is at