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Social Events


Alternative Wednesdays - throughout the year - check speakers page

Coffee mornings, with mini readings - on last Saturday each month - check speakers page

An Invitation ...

It is the members who keep the church going. Without members the church would cease to exist.

But what does ‘being a member’ mean?


Being a member of Havant Spiritualist Church means that you are a Spiritualist. You follow the

Seven Principles, and when people ask, and you fill in official forms, your religion is Spiritualist.

Not Christian. Not Islam. Not Mormon. Not Buddhist. Not Jedi. Not Other.


There is no strict dogma to follow, no special ceremonies to perform. We believe in God, but that

may not be the traditional god of other religions. How I see my god may be different to the

vision you have. Some see their god as a bearded man looking down from the sky, others as The

Great Spirit that pervades all things, may be as Mother Nature. We don’t dictate how you see

Her - or Him - or It. Very little is expected of you, except to live within the guidance of our

Seven Principles and to be the best person that you can be. You know what is right, and wrong.


You get a membership card. But this card is not a free pass to Heaven, nor is it a ‘Get out of jail

free’ card, nor is it a loyalty card for you to accumulate bonus points. It’s just one of those funny

conventions that organisations have; to say you belong. You are one of us.


Membership means you get to have a say; to come to the AGM (Annual General Meeting), and

cast your vote on matters that concern the running of the church. It means you can join the

committee and really get involved in making the church a good place to be, a good organisation

to be a part of, and a sanctuary or refuge, welcoming to others.


It means that you care. Care about the church, care about people around you, care about

Spiritualism, care about the world, and everything in it.


If you want to support this church, and feel you can make that commitment, then be a member.

We will welcome you. It doesn’t cost much. It is not an exclusive club; everyone is welcome.


If you have any questions, please ask any committee member. If we can’t answer straight away,

we will find an answer for you.


The most valuable thing you can give is You.

This Church not only promotes the religion and religious philosophy of Spiritualism, but works hard to live by those principles by an active social programme.

We are hold coffee mornings with mini readings on last Saturday each month, for dates see our speakers page. It is an opportunity to come along to the Church for a cup of coffee and a chat. You can also have a mini private reading for just £5. You can find out for yourself the truth of communication with those some call dead, who we say, have passed to a higher life.